About Us

The Problem Solver


Hayley is a former high school math teacher currently taking time away from the classroom. With her experience in computer science, she is the tech person on the team. Much of the social media and website was created by Hayley and she is so happy to get to combine many of her passions in this project.

Contact Hayley

The Inspiration


Melinda (Hayley's Mom) is a pre-kindergarten teacher with over 25 years of experience. She is the idea person! Our resources come from her classroom and were designed to solve her problems. This means that every resource has been tested in a real classroom, and we only recommend the best of the best of the things we have tried!

Contact Melinda

The Teacher Hubbies

Forrest and Smitty

These two are the secret sauce that keep this machine running. While they don't have an official job title, they do anything they are asked. They provide most of the manual labor and emotional support for Melinda and Hayley as this business grows.